DevStat participates at the Working Group on Quality (Eurostat), Luxembourg 15 June 2018

The consortium DevStat-Statistics Norway presented, at the Quality Working Group meeting (Luxembourg, 15 June 2018), the final results of the project on “Development of conceptual elements for a common quality framework in the European Statistical System (ESS)”. The results of the project, which consist of a set of proposals on core values, principles and a model for an Enhanced Common Quality Framework in the European Statistical System, were discussed with the representatives of the statistical institutes in the EU Member States and candidate countries. The recommendations are intended to guide the further development of the quality work in the ESS, having as central part the Code of Practice for European statistics.

On behalf of Devstat, the project has been managed by Florabela Carausu. Technical coordination was ensured by Hans Viggo Sæbø and Michael Colledge, and specific expertise in risk management was ensured by Fabrizio Rotundi and Federico Ceschel.