New project!! Support to Bosnia and Herzegovina Population and Housing Census data validation and dissemination

New project!! Support to Bosnia and Herzegovina Population and Housing Census data validation and dissemination, just started. The kick-off took place in Sarajevo on 1st December. A new challenge for DevStat and its experts!


Migration statistics in Armenia

In the framework of the Eurostat’s project “Assessment of the statistical systems and selected statistical areas of the enlargement and ENP countries”, DevStat implemented a sector review on Migration statistics in Armenia. The sector review aimed to assess the migration data produced, the process to produce them, the interaction with data providers and users, as well as the compliance with European statistics in the sector. At the end of the mission the statistical institute of Armenia was informed about identified strengths and weaknesses regarding its process of calculation and dissemination of migration statistics and received recommendations for improvements.

The Handbook “Essential SNA: building the basics 2014 edition” is available

essential-sna_building_2014The Handbook “Essential SNA: building the basics 2014 edition” is available on:

This handbook is one of the outputs prepared by DevStat during the implementation of the 3-year Eurostat’s funded project “Essential System of National Accounts (SNA): Methodological support and tools in the context of cooperation” that has just ended.