Most representative projects


Feasibility study into integrated End-to-End statistical solution for GCC-Stat (Oman). The aim of this project was to assist GCC-Stat in improving business processes surrounding statistical collection, data management and dissemination operations and to present several options of integrated solutions for data collection, data management and dissemination.

Analysis of the cost-benefit and administrative burden reduction potential of options for re-design of Intrastat. The aim of this project was to support Eurostat in preparation of the information on alternative and complementary approaches to re-design Intrastat, in terms of costs and benefits, possibilities to reduce administrative burden and legal and methodological implications.

Support in the Impact Assessment for a framework regulation in the area of European Social Statistics. The aim of the project was to support Eurostat in tasks related to the formal Impact Assessment for a possible framework regulation in the area of European Social Statistics.

Methodology and research – Statistical Disclosure Control and Data Analysis LOT 2: Data analysis. The aim of this Framework Contract was to provide methodological support on the data analysis methods to Eurostat staff through specific contracts.

Third European Company Survey: fieldwork and first findings – “External data quality assessment”. The aim of this project was to provide an independent quality assessment of outputs and processes of the 3rd ECS that completed the metadata, and facilitated an appropriate understanding and application of the results of the survey, and to assist Eurofound to identify how to improve the quality of the survey in future waves of the ECS.

Support for ex-post evaluation of the Community Statistical Programme 2008-2012. The aim of this project was to provide an evaluation report on the Community Statistical Programme 2008-2012 (published as Decision No 1578/2007/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2007) including among other items recommendations and conclusions concerning the achievements of the programme.

Quality Assessment of the Third European Quality of Life Survey. The aim of the project was to provide an independent quality assessment of outputs, process and the quality of the third European Quality of Life Survey in relation to the ESS quality components and to identify ways to further improve the quality of the survey through several recommendations.

Technical Assistance

National Strategy for Development of Statistics (Tajikistan). The aim of this project is to assist the Agency of Tajikistan in strengthening their institutional capacity and the NSS, to assist in improving the production of statistical data and user producer dialog, support in strengthening physical infrastructure, IT and automation of data processing.

Technical Assistance to the Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) (Lebanon). The aim of this project is to assist the CAS in improving the quantity and quality of statistical information in general with specific focus on the impact of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon and in particular to social and economic data.

The provision of global assessments, sector reviews and light peer reviews for enlargement and ENP countries. The aim of this project is to assist Eurostat in supporting enlargement countries and the countries covered by the ENP in their efforts to align their statistical data with EU and international standards, following their progress in the area of statistics, and regularly assessing their statistical systems.

Technical assistance for population and housing census data processing (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The aim of the project was to provide technical assistance to BiH statisticians to ensure high-quality, internationally recognised and comparable results on Population and Housing Census in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the basis for strategic planning of BiH society as a whole.

Improvement of regional statistics (Moldova). The aim of the project is to support Moldova in advancing its economic, social and territorial cohesion with focus on the development of the policy, legal and institutional framework for an effective development policy for Moldova’s regions by improving regional statistics.

Development of the methodology for improvement of business statistics (Russian Federation). The aim of the project was to develop the methodological guidelines for the maintenance and use of the Statistical Register, which will make possible to establish a high-quality frame for statistical observations, optimise information flows, and meet the requirements of national accounts and international standards.

Trainings and Events

Facilitate event on dissemination of official statistics as linked open data (Malta). The aim of this event was to increase the awareness on the (Linked) Open Data dissemination in the ESS, to identify emerging best practices, to identify synergies and options for joint development efforts.

Facilitated events for the modernisation of official statistics. The aim of this contract was to support and strengthen the modernisation in the ESS by organising two events aiming at modernisation and visualisation of official statistics where different experiences were exchanged, common issues addressed and discussed, and concrete actions in order to bring the modernisation forward identified.

Framework contract: European Statistical Training Porgramme (ESTP) – Lot 1: Statistical methodology. The aim of this contract was to organise and deliver high quality courses on survey design, data collection, data integration, data validation, editing and imputation, and estimation, statistical analysis and statistical disclosure control.

Supply of Statistical services in Quality, methodology and research “Facilitation of Methodological Cooperation in the ESS”. The aim of the project was to organise two following events. ESS.VIP/ESSnet workshop to foster a dialogue between experts of the ESS on the ESS.VIP programme, to exchange good practices regarding transformation programmes in the ESS, and to strengthen the link between the ESSnet projects and the ESS.VIP programme. And ESS Big Data event to increase the awareness of the Big Data issue in the ESS and how to make use of Big Data in official statistics.