Entries by admin

2014 is gone. Remarkable facts of the year

2014 is gone. DevStat completed projects for Eurostat and Eurofound, including conferences on modernization of statistics and Big Data (Valencia, Rome) as well as in Costa Rica, Oman, Romania, and a 4-year EC project on fishery statistics. We started new projects in Bosnia-Hercegovina, Cuba, Moldova, and established partnerships with CartoDB, (leader in mapping solutions) and […]

Migration statistics in Armenia

In the framework of the Eurostat’s project “Assessment of the statistical systems and selected statistical areas of the enlargement and ENP countries”, DevStat implemented a sector review on Migration statistics in Armenia. The sector review aimed to assess the migration data produced, the process to produce them, the interaction with data providers and users, as […]

The Handbook “Essential SNA: building the basics 2014 edition” is available

The Handbook “Essential SNA: building the basics 2014 edition” is available on: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/product_details/publication?p_product_code=KS-GQ-14-008 This handbook is one of the outputs prepared by DevStat during the implementation of the 3-year Eurostat’s funded project “Essential System of National Accounts (SNA): Methodological support and tools in the context of cooperation” that has just ended.

DevStat implemented a sector review on Labour Force Survey in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In the framework of the Eurostat’s project “Assessment of the statistical systems and selected statistical areas of the enlargement and ENP countries”, DevStat implemented a sector review on Labour Force Survey in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sector review aimed to assess the labour force statistical data produced, the process to produce them, the interaction with […]

ESS Big Data Event – Final Report online!

The ESS Big Data Event, took place in Rome on 31 March-01 April 2014. The Event was organised by Eurostat with the support of a project consortium headed by DevStat. The final report of the Event: ESS Big Data Event Rome 2014, has now been published online. Please, visit http://www.cros-portal.eu/content/2014-big-data-event-final-report to download the document.

DevStat enlarges its team with a new senior manager

Following its process of development, DevStat enlarges its team with a new senior manager as of 1st September. Santiago Abril (MSc in Economics) has joined DevStat as Director-General, closely working with José Cervera (CEO) and José Vila (Scientific Director) in the daily management of the company. With previous experience in multinational companies, Santiago (sabril@devstat.com) will […]

Medición de la precepción y actitud subjetivas ante el riesgo

DevStat‘s Scientific Director Jose Vila was the invited lectured for a workshop on the application of Experimental Behavioral Economics to retailing finance and insurance in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on August 12. The workshop was focused in how to measure subjective probabilities of investors and insurance takers and how to apply this information to optimize customer […]

Assessment ENP countries

DevStat has been awarded by Eurostat, as a part of a consortium, the implementation of the Assessment of the statistical systems and selected statistical areas of the enlargement and ENP countries. The project will run during two and a half years and aims at supporting these countries in their efforts to align their statistical data […]

DevStat a organizat în Bucureşti un curs de formare pentru Biroul de Statistică şi Recensământ din Libia

În perioada 26 – 31 mai, DevStat a organizat în colaborare cu Institutul Naţional de Statistică din România un curs de formare privind statistica întreprinderilor adresat funcţionarilor din Biroul de Statistică şi Recensământ din Libia. Cursul face parte din programul de formare ce va fi implementat de DevStat în colaborare cu Driss Afza, expert senior […]