First GCC Statistical Forum 2017

Guide to the statistical measurement of Green Production

Under a contract with the UN- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), José Cervera, CEO of DevStat, together with Mónica Luz, have published a guide to the statistical measurement of Green Production.

The guide allows countries to put in place a system of harmonised surveys to businesses to collect information on inputs, technologies, investments, processes and jobs related to sustainable industrial production. Greening the industrial processes is a key factor to achieve the environmental targets of the Sustainable Development Goals​.


DevStat accompanies a study visit of Moldovan Statistical Office to Portuguese institutions…

DevStat accompanies a study visit of Moldovan Statistical Office to Portuguese institutions on the production and use of regional and territorial statistics

DevStat has organized a study visit to Statistics Portugal (INE PT) and the Portuguese Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD&C) for delegates of the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry for Regional Development and Constructions and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova.The visit is taking place between 22-24 February, in the frame of the EuropeAid technical assistance project on “Improved Regional Statistics in the Republic of Moldova”, organized by Florabela Carausu, DevStat expert in local development and statistics.

The working sessions cover issues such as: principles and criteria for planning and implementation of the structural funds, national and international spatial analysis units to support territorial analysis, and interplay between regional and local policies and statistical indicators. The visit is benefiting also of DevStat’s experience in the production of territorial statistics and the use of statistics as support to decision-making at various geographical levels.