Assistance for the organisation of ESTP Courses – Machine learning and Logistic regression
From 25th to 30th March, DevStat organised two training courses in Eurostat premises (Luxembourg). The first one, by José CERVERA-FERRI (DevStat’s CEO) and Prof. Iván ARRIBAS (Univ. of Valencia) on Machine Learning Econometrics, presented methods for alternative econometric estimation using a Machine Learning approach, including linear (Ridge and LASSO methods) and non-linear (Random Forests, Support Vector Machines) methods. The second one, by Prof. ARRIBAS, presented Logistic regression models, widely used in statistical classification problems. These course are implemented within a contract with Eurostat to supply training to statisticians of the European Statistical System, and for staff of the European Commission.
Conceptualising Child Foot print Tool / Index for Business
DevStat in cooperation with Maestral International LLC have been awarded a UNICEF contract for Co-creating a Child Footprint Tool / Index for Business and will collaborate in measuring the adverse impact business have on children (‘respect’), as well as their positive contribution towards children’s well-being and development (‘support’). The scope of this contract is to allow investors to make better-informed decisions and become an instrument for internal company dialogue and interactions on how the company, together with policy-makers, communities and other partners, can help shape a better life for children. The tool or index shall bring visibility on how business impacts on children’s wellbeing, investor decisions and policy discussions.
Happy New Year 2019
Dear colleagues, DevStat takes the opportunity of wishing you a year full of prosperity, brightness, success and happiness. Happy New Year!!