ESS Workshop on administrative data for business, agriculture and fisheries statistics
DevStat is thrilled to announce its continuing collaboration with Eurostat for the the organisation of the ESS Workshop on administrative data for business, agriculture and fisheries statistics in Bucharest, Romania, on 17-18 October 2019.
The workshop will create the opportunity for experts in the European Statistical System to present and exchange the results of the progress made in using administrative data for the production of official statistics in the areas of business, agriculture and fisheries statistics. It will also be an occasion to display and exchange the results of the ESS Vision 2020 ADMIN project which is approaching its end (2015-2019).
We would like to encourage you to contribute a paper before August 28 discussing your experience or ideas in the use of administrative data for business, agriculture and/or fisheries statistics providing achievements, examples, practical applications, lessons learned and plans for future developments.
All interested people are kindly requested to submit the online registration form, which can be found @ by 28August 2019.