Medición de la precepción y actitud subjetivas ante el riesgo

DevStat‘s Scientific Director Jose Vila was the invited lectured for a workshop on the application of Experimental Behavioral Economics to retailing finance and insurance in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on August 12. The workshop was focused in how to measure subjective probabilities of investors and insurance takers and how to apply this information to optimize customer management and generate competitive advantage. The event was organized by Management & Fit and funded by Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.


Assessment ENP countries

business-statisticsDevStat has been awarded by Eurostat, as a part of a consortium, the implementation of the Assessment of the statistical systems and selected statistical areas of the enlargement and ENP countries. The project will run during two and a half years and aims at supporting these countries in their efforts to align their statistical data with EU and international standards.

The project will start with the assessment of statistical data production in the Migration, Labour Force and Business Statistics sectors. The countries that will be object of this first review are: Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Belarus, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia.

DevStat a organizat în Bucureşti un curs de formare pentru Biroul de Statistică şi Recensământ din Libia


În perioada 26 – 31 mai, DevStat a organizat în colaborare cu Institutul Naţional de Statistică din România un curs de formare privind statistica întreprinderilor adresat funcţionarilor din Biroul de Statistică şi Recensământ din Libia. Cursul face parte din programul de formare ce va fi implementat de DevStat în colaborare cu Driss Afza, expert senior în statistici oficiale (de la ASTATIS) alături de alţi experţi din cadrul institutelor de statistică din state europene şi arabe, pentru a sprijini dezvoltarea competenţelor funcţionarilor din cadrul Biroului de Statistică din Libia, care este în totalitate reînnoit după schimbarea de regim.