ESS Workshop on administrative data and social statistics
DevStat is pleased to inform of its collaboration with Eurostat for the the organisation of the ESS Workshop on administrative data and social statistics which will take place in Valencia, Spain, on June 4-5 June 2019.
The workshop aims at bringing together ESS countries’ experts working with administrative data to share methodological knowledge, experiences, lessons learned and best practices regarding the use of administrative data for social statistics.
It will be primarily an opportunity to highlight and exchange the results of the ADMIN, which is approaching its end in 2019. The event aims to encourage technical discussion on how the ESS should continue to move towards an improved production system for social statistics using more extensively administrative data.
We would like to encourage statisticians to contribute papers before April 14 discussing their experience or ideas on the use of administrative data providing experience, achievements, examples, practical applications, lessons learned and plans for future developments that they consider worth sharing with other users of administrative data.
DevStat presented a paper on the evaluation, using administrative data, of active employment policies in the region of Valencia
All interested people are kindly requested to submit the online registration form, which can be found @ by 30 April 2019.
Hope to see you in Valencia!!