Happy New Year 2020
2019 has been another busy year for DevStat. We have completed important projects using advanced analytics (Big Data on public procurement, evaluation of employment policies for the Govt of Valencia), behavioural-experimental methods (on cybersecurity and financial behaviour), delivered technical assistance in the area official statistics (National Strategy for Development of Statistics in Azerbaijan, assessment of the statistical system of Belarus, workshops for Eurostat and the International Statistical Institute in Africa), provided training on statistics and machine learning (EU Statistics Training Programme, Statistics Saudi Arabia) and preparing manuals for ITU and UNCTAD on measurement of Digital Economy and Society.; we are embarked in projects with a social impact, on indicators on violence against children (Mozambique) and other victims (Govt of Valencia). We moved to new premises (Wayco), the most modern working place in Valencia.
I am proud of my small but capable team, and thank all experts and organisations that have worked with us.
On behalf of the DevStat team, I wish all our collaborators and clients healthy and happy Season Holidays and an exciting start of the new decade.